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Lifecycle of a state channel

In this section we'll consider the "state" of a state channel as composite of three states -- the off chain state, the on chain adjudication state and the funding state (which can be on or off chain). The off chain parts of the state may be different for each participant in the channel, whereas the on chain part of the state is considered consistent (up to issues to do with finality and chain reorgs).


"State" is a highly overloaded term -- in this section we take it to mean something different from the "state" of the section on states (unless explicitly noted).

Off-chain lifecycle

The off-chain lifecycle of a channel may be visualized like this:


state OffChain {
[*] --> Proposed
 Proposed --> ReadyToFund
 ReadyToFund --> Funded
 Funded --> Running
 Running --> Finalized

The conditions for each state emerge from the collection of states and signatures held by each participant. Let's look at each in turn.


This state applies as soon as a participant commits to a state with turnNum=0 known as the prefund state. This is typically broadcast to other participants who may countersign it to indicate their agreement to join the channel.


This state applies when all participants commit to the prefund state, i.e. when all prefund signatures are in hand.


It is important to wait for a supported prefund before depositing any funds on chain, since this state is a guarantee that on chain funds can be unlocked with the intial (prefund) outcome.


This state applies when all participants commit to a state with turnNum=1 known as the postfund state. Each participant should only make this commitment when one of the following is true:

  • sufficient deposits are accrued on chain against the channel in question
  • sufficient money is directly allocated to the channel in question from an existing funded channel
  • sufficient money is guaranteed to the channel in question from an existing funded channel

For more detail see the section on funding.


This state applies when a state with turnNum > 1 becomes supported.


This state applies when all participants commit to a state with isFinal=true, i.e. when all final signatures are in hand.


Each state supercedes the previous ones in the sense that (for example) a channel is said to be Funded if it meets that condition, even though it also meets the condition for ReadyToFund.

Funding lifecycle

A channel may be funded either on-chain or off-chain.

The state can be visualized like this:


state OnChain {
state Funding {
    NotFundedOnChain --> FundedOnChain
    FundedOnChain --> NotFundedOnChain
state OffChain {
state Fundings {
    NotFundedOffChain --> FundedOffChain
    FundedOffChain --> NotFundedOffChain

The channel should be funded when the off chain state is ReadyToFund, and defunded when the off chain state is Finalized.


When a channel is to be funded on chain, participants follow the on chain deposit protocol. When sufficient funds are deposited against the channel, the state has transitioned to FundedOnChain.


Funding on chain is often not necessary, since most channels are funded off-chain. In that case, the "funding state" of a channel is composed of the off-chain state of one or more other channels. See the section on funding.

Adjudication lifecyle

The adjudicator smart contract (henceforth "adjudicator") is the main on-chain code governing the state channel network. It stores certain information about any channel that it knows about. The off chain state may be submitted to the adjudicator at any time to trigger the adjudication status of a channel to change. The adjudication status of a channel is composed of several variables, but these are summarized in finite states Open, Challenge and Finalized -- these are called channel modes.

Channel Modes

A channel is in one or the other of three modes, which can be represented in the following state machine:


state OnChain {
state Adjudication {
Open -->Challenge: challenge
Open --> Open: checkpoint
Open--> Finalized: conclude
Challenge--> Challenge: challenge
Challenge--> Open: checkpoint
Challenge--> Finalized: conclude
Challenge--> Finalized': timeout

Here Finalized and Finalized' are distinct states reflecting the fact that the on-chain storage is slightly different in each case, although the implications are the same (the channel may now be defunded on chain).

Most of the transitions between states can be understood via the section on finalizing a channel. The remaining transition timeout is a passive transition which happens when a block is produced with a sufficiently large timestamp.


Ideally channels are never adjudicated on chain. This only state applies as a last resort when cooperation has broken down.

The channel mode is derived from other status data stored on chain using this function:

     * @notice Computes the ChannelMode for a given channelId.
     * @dev Computes the ChannelMode for a given channelId.
     * @param channelId Unique identifier for a channel.
    function _mode(bytes32 channelId) internal view returns (ChannelMode) {
        // Note that _unpackStatus(someRandomChannelId) returns (0,0,0), which is
        // correct when nobody has written to storage yet.

        (, uint48 finalizesAt, ) = _unpackStatus(channelId);
        if (finalizesAt == 0) {
            return ChannelMode.Open;
            // solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
        } else if (finalizesAt <= block.timestamp) {
            return ChannelMode.Finalized;
        } else {
            return ChannelMode.Challenge;


As you can see, the channel mode is determined by the relation between the timestamp of the current block and the finalizesAt timestamp stored on chain. When finalizesAt is in the past, the channel is Finalized; when it is in the future, the channel is in Challenge. When it is (the magic and initial value of ) 0, the channel is Open.


turNumRecord is the highest turn number that is known to the chain to be supported by a full set of signatures. The exception to this rule is that it is set to 0 when the channel is concluded via a conclude call.

For example, the turnNumRecord might be increased by a submitted checkpoint transaction including a support proof for a state.


The fingerprint helps to uniquely identify the channel's current state, up to hash collisions. It is computed as:

                    stateHash,  // (1)
                    outcomeHash // (2)
  1. This is formed according to this formula.
  2. This is formed by a simple abi-encode and keccack256 recipe.

Adjudicator storage

Status data is stored inside the adjudicator in the following mapping (with channelId as the key):

mapping(bytes32 => bytes32) public statusOf;

Generating a 32 byte status involves

  • setting the most significant 48 bits to the turnNumRecord
  • setting the next most significant 48 bits to finalizesAt
  • setting the next most significant 160 bits to the fingerprint

When the adjudicator needs to verify the exact state or outcome, the data is provided in the function arguments, as part of the calldata. The chain will then check that the hydrated data matches the status that has been stored.


turnNumRecord and finalizesAt can be read from storage straightforwardly, whereas the other ChannelData fields are only stored as the output of a one-way function. The input to this function must therefore be tracked in client code by monitoring the relevant contract events.

We provide a helper function to construct the appropriate status from a javascript representation of ChannelData:

import {
} from "@statechannels/nitro-protocol";

const channelData: ChannelData = {
  turnNumRecord: largestTurnNum,
  finalizesAt: 0x0,
const status = channelDataToStatus(channelData);

Here we omitted some of the fields, because the helper function is smart enough to know to set them to null values when finalizes at is zero.